Fanzone – Birmingham 0-1 Aston Villa (13-09-09)

All Rights Reserves Goes To “FA Premier League”. Birmingham vs Aston Villa,Birmingham vs Aston Villa,Birmingham vs Aston Villa,Birmingham vs Aston Villa,Birmingham vs Aston Villa,Birmingham vs Aston Villa,Birmingham vs Aston Villa,Birmingham vs Aston Villa -1,Birmingham vs Aston Villa -one,Birmi…
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7 thoughts on “Fanzone – Birmingham 0-1 Aston Villa (13-09-09)”

  1. lmao at the wolves prick below!


  2. well see u prick u seem to be forgettin that only half a season gone and your little unbeaten run will backfire eventually prick

  3. well hasn’t that little comment back fired. im not gonna say anything i just hope other people come on this video and see what an utter fool youv’e made of yourself.

  4. Birmingham are pathetic at home against their biggest rivals playin for a draw and taking no risks cant wait to play you scumbags well show you the reason why we pissed all over you last season blues=pure shit

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